What Maintenance Do Solar Panels Require? You Can Know Now

What Maintenance Do Solar Panels Require

Do you need an answer to and want to know what maintenance solar panels require and why you are not getting the best performance out of your solar panels day after day? Well, the answer lies in the maintenance.

Sometime last year, my aunt had similar issues with her solar system. She tried to resolve it many times. But no way.

Until she told me by simple maintenance on the solar panels, we got her system restored to high performance without spending a dime.

Let’s dive in and answer the same yet often overlooked aspect of solar panels: What kind of maintenance do solar panels require?

Here is the article on how you can maintain the solar inverter.

What Maintenance Do Solar Panels Require?

The kind of solar panel maintenance required is generally little. Due to the sloping angle of the panels, rain washes away most of the dirt from the panels. 

The panels are also protected with a coating that has a dirt-repellent effect. Nevertheless, maintenance helps to extend the life of an installation. We give some tips.

The maintenance of solar panels is characterized by being simple, with effective cleaning and replacing defective elements. 

This is because their production can be reduced if we do not maintain them adequately.

Thus, photovoltaic panels have great resistance and durability. However, having a schedule for proper cleaning processes is important so that our system remains in operation for as many years as possible with the best efficiency.

Some conditions can affect our solar panel conditions, as losses are caused by poor inclination, shadows, or dust and dirt accumulated due to lack of maintenance.

How To Clean Solar Panels And Maintenance Tips

Sometimes, we assume that solar panels require almost no maintenance and that you will not have to deal with maintenance costs for the solar panels. 

Cleaning solar panels is only necessary when your yields decrease substantially, for example, during long dry periods.

For maintenance, using water with a little soap will be necessary, making it easier to rinse it. 

However, it is not recommended during maintenance to use harsh cleaning materials. Avoid using bleach cleaning soap as we can permanently damage the surface cell of the panel.

You must check that there are no structural damages on the the solar panels surface. Such as breaks, cracks, or any other damage.

It is also recommended to carry out this cleaning about 2 or 3 times a year. Your region is also a factor, because a high level of dust areas will require more frequent maintenance.

Furthermore, the best way to clean your solar module is to use a soft material and a small dish soap. Wet the dirt for easy and clean removal. 

When you are done scrubbing. It’s time to use enough water to rinse the panel sufficiently without any leftover soap residue.

Let see tips on how to carry out your maintenance procedures in this next section. But before that, here is the self-cleaning maintenance process.

Self-cleaning Solar panels

A solar panel is made up of some layers. A panel consists largely of glass, which helps dirt to wash off the surface easily. 

In addition, manufacturers place a so-called ‘Nano coating’ on a panel, which prevents dirt from sticking to the surface.

Combined with the sloping angle at which solar panels are located, a rain shower is often an excellent cleaning activity.

However, to ensure that the solar panels work optimally, it is necessary to check the panels twice a year for, for example, the presence of leaves and branches.

Furthermore, stubborn dirt, such as bird droppings, can remain on a panel. If it does not rain for a long period of time, sand sometimes remains on the surface. 

If this is the case, it is advisable to take action. You can have this done by a professional window cleaner if you want to do it without doing it yourself.

When I am maintaining my solar panels, I use water without detergent and a soft cloth or brush. It will take more of your time because you must do it carefully.

Using cleaning products can cause streaks on the solar panels that can reflect the sun’s rays. This leads to the opposite effect, namely that the return is reduced.


The smart solar panels on the market today are built-in systems that can self-clean the solar panel.

These solar panels may have a high initial cost, but you will surely enjoy other great advantages that come with them.

Ways for maintaining solar panels

Solar panel maintenance is essential it helps the installation’s good performance. And also help benefits from the maximum production of the photovoltaic modules.

The following tips may be helpful to ensure proper maintenance:

Check your solar panels regularly

It is necessary to periodically carry out a visual inspection. and detect any damage that may exist in the installation. Such as a damaged panels, dusted cables, and dust due to poor maintenance.

Use the correct cleaning products and materials: Aggressive cleaning agents and scouring pads can cause damage to your solar panels. 

It must be considered that abrasive products containing soda should not be used to avoid damaging the solar panels. 

Avoid using brushes with metal bristles to avoid scratching the surface of the panels.

Hire a professional

It is recommended to work with an experienced professional both to clean your solar panels. And for the technical maintenance of your solar panels. 

You should  know what to pay attention to during maintenance. use the right products and materials, and have the appropriate safety equipment.


The temperature of the photovoltaic panels should be checked periodically. To ensure that it is within the recommended operating temperature range. 

Suppose the temperature is too high. It can reduce the panel’s efficiency, affecting its maintenance.

Use clean water

Avoid too calcified water. And fill a basin of about 5 liters with warm water mixed with soapy products such as dish soap. 

Spread the mixture over the panels, using a microfiber cloth or one that does not leave fibers or lint. Making zigzag movements and reaching all areas of the panel to remove any remaining dust or dirt.

Regular solar panel maintenance is key as it guarantees optimal performance. Thus ensuring that you can benefit from maximum production from the photovoltaic modules. 

Keep in mind that the larger the photovoltaic installation, the more attention will have to be paid to the maintenance of solar panels and system components.

Regardless of the type of contract you have, cleaning the plates is the responsibility of the homeowner. 

Even if the home benefits from a rental contract or rental of solar panels, this part of the maintenance will fall on the owner.

Why Is Solar Panel Maintenance Important?

The lifespan of solar panels is, on average, 25 to 30 years. You get the most out of the lifespan if the solar panels are regularly maintained. 

There are also a number of other benefits to maintaining and cleaning your solar panels.

The loss of performance caused by the lack of maintenance of solar panels could reach up to 8% in places where dust is produced. 

For the solar panel silicon cells to receive the maximum possible radiation. They need proper surface cleaning to enable them to function properly.

By allowing the reaction impact of the photons with the silicone to produce electricity. When there is a lot of dirt on the panels, it also adds up to the energy losses. 

However, losses can be reduced if we carry out good cleaning maintenance frequently, keeping losses below 1% during the useful life of the photovoltaic panels.

Hence, if you have losses of about 4 to 8%, the system will produce at less than 100% of its capacity, affecting what it stands to profit.

The panels’ durability will be compromised as failure to clean the panels for many years can cause the accumulation of dirt, which can cause the lifespan to be shortened, as earlier stated.

How Should Solar Panels Be Maintained?

The maintenance of the solar panels of our solar photovoltaic installation is essential for it to function properly, as we have seen, and for the use and maintenance of solar energy, without variations in the electricity bill.

The cleaning process for photovoltaic panels is very simple. The first thing we must do is wash the photovoltaic modules. 

For this, we can use water with a small amount of soap. It is best to use a sponge to clean. Finally, we must ensure that there are no traces of soap, so rinse them properly with clean water. 

Be careful; corrosive products must not be used to clean photovoltaic panels, such as detergents, bleaches, or other products, as they can permanently damage the surface. In that case, the remedy will be worse than the disease.

The maintenance of solar panels also involves other tasks that must be considered apart from cleaning. This is the review of the accumulation tank, the insulating rubbers, and possible structural damage. 

The accumulation tank contains essential parts for capturing and transforming energy, so it is important to check to see if it is in good condition. 

It is also important to check the insulating rubber and change it if it is damaged. Finally, you must check that there are no structural damages on the surfaces of the solar panels, such as breaks, cracks, or any other damage.

How Much Does The Maintenance Of A Solar Panel Cost?

Generally, the price of solar panel maintenance is very economical since we will only need to invest in cleaning products. 

There are some cases in which it is necessary to contact technicians, such as if we observe structural damage to the photovoltaic panels or the accumulation tank. 

In that case, the price of solar panel maintenance depends on the rates at which the company or freelancer works for labor and the materials that must be replaced.

How Often Should Solar Panel Maintenance Be Performed?

Solar panels are very resistant devices made of high-quality materials; however, in all cases, they require cleaning from time to time for the reasons we mentioned in this article. 

It is recommended that solar panels be cleaned 3 or 4 times a year. Of course, it all depends on the location in which they are installed, the weather conditions, and whether it is an area with dust.

In the case of inspections of the accumulation tank, these must be carried out once a year. 

Checking for structural and rubber damage can be checked when cleaning the solar panels.

Are There Any Regulations For The Maintenance Of Solar Panels?

There is no regulation that establishes the obligation to hire a maintenance service for solar panels

However, if we want an installation that works at maximum performance and is in good condition during its 25-year useful life, a regular and monitored review of the system will be necessary.

The only reference that exists mentions the buyer’s obligation to choose whether they want this service or not.

Depending on the installation, it may or may not be more profitable for you. 

If you have a high-power installation or it is located in an adverse climate environment, it would be important for you to hire preventive solar panel maintenance. 

In the end, the consequences of any problem would ruin a project of great value and nothing would have been useful.

I have always believed that prevention is better than cure. It is true that most installations do not usually cause problems, but just a coincidence is enough for your panels to suffer any setback. 

Likewise, as we have already mentioned, it is vitally important that an expert carry out a good study and preventive maintenance plan, in which the system components are examined to avoid energy and economic losses and periodically clean the solar panels.

You can also read about smart solar panels here. And here is also the other article about secrets about semi-transparent solar panels.

Final Thought

Now you can see the kind of maintenance solar panels require so far from our article.

However, suppose you need to practice better maintenance of solar panels. In that case, there is a risk of reduced energy generation due to accumulated dust.   

The preventive maintenance procedure in a solar installation is straightforward. Remember to be careful and observant to identify faults at the right time.    

The kind of maintenance of your solar panels will be determined by the agreement you reach with the installation company. On the other hand, technical inspections are advisable to carry out once a year.